Therapeutic Smoothie (Gut and Skin Healing)

Photo credit: Jose Soriano

Photo credit: Jose Soriano

This is an intervention I use often with my clients to help nourish their bodies. This recipe is basic. Depending on what’s happening with YOU, it may need to be customized. There is no one size fits all approach. Also, remember that children are different from adults and should not take adult doses of supplements.

Add ingredients and blend well (blender, Vitamix, NutriBullet, etc.)

  1. Protein powder (Pure Paleo is very high quality and is hydrolyzed [beef] so it’s easily absorbable [even with gut problems] and because it’s an animal protein it contains all essential and conditionally essential amino acids, which is super important for overall health, and healing)- 1 scoop for adults; 1/4 - 1/2 scoop for children 2 years and up

  2. MegaMucosa – 1 scoop for adults, and children 2 years and up OR MegaIGG2000 - 4 capsules for adults, and children 2 years and up

  3. Collagen Peptides (should contain types I and III) – 1 scoop for adults; 1/4 - 1/2 scoop for children 2 years and up

  4. Glycine powder - 3000mg for adults; 750mg for children 2 years and up

  5. Acacia fiber, flaxseeds, or chia seeds - 1 Tbsp for adults; 1/4 - 1/2 Tbsp for children 2 years and up

  6. Fruit (berries are best and low sugar) - ¼ - ½ cup

  7. Vegetables (kale and spinach, beets, carrots, dandelion greens) - add liberally

  8. FAT → choose one of the following: 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp ghee, ¼ cup raw nuts, ¼ avocado, 1 tbsp avocado oil or olive oil, 1 tbsp coconut cream

  9. Ice if desired

  10. Chilled water or non dairy milk (coconut, rice, hemp, almond, etc.)

  11. My personal customizations

    1. Cacao powder 1 tsp

    2. Cinnamon 1 tsp

    3. Turmeric powder 1 tsp

About the ingredients

  • Protein - We don't have stores in our body to draw from like we do fats and carbs, so we need to eat it daily, and a smoothie is a great way to get in more. We don't always get enough quality protein. Our body builds everything from proteins, down to the cellular level. Protein with each meal (along with fat) helps to balance blood sugar levels. With chronic conditions and when on a healing journey we need more protein (70-120 grams/day for adults) because the body needs it to build and repair (heal) tissues.

  • MegaMucosa/MegaIGG2000 - Nutrients for gut healing and immune system support, and neutralizes toxins.

  • Glycine (an amino acid) - An amino acid that is essential for muscle, cognitive and metabolic function, and for detoxification. It aids in energy production, and supports your immune, digestive and nervous system. 

  • Collagen Peptides - Helps with gut healing and is great for hair, skin, nails and joints.

  • Acacia fiber, flaxseeds, or chia seeds - Regulates digestion, feeds healthy gut bacteria (prebiotic), and is good for detoxification.

  • Fat - Adding a fat source helps balance blood sugar (along with protein), and fat is needed for your body to digest and absorb important fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K, and many others including phytonutrients (stuff from plants) like carotenoids (powerful antioxidant nutrient). 

  • Turmeric powder, cinnamon, cacao powder - Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

Get the supplements

Click the button below to “place an order” in Fullscript. You’ll be prompted to create a free account. Then search in the catalog under the “my favorites” tab and you’ll see a category called “Therapeutic Smoothie” which is where you’ll find the supplements you’ll need for your gut and skin healing smoothie!

NOTE: Children should not take adult doses of supplements, and some supplements are not appropriate for children, contact me if you have questions.

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Reference, and additional recipes:

Looking for high calorie smoothie recipes? Here are some options (via Smoothie Gains):

You can play with the recipes, and mix and match ingredients.

If you have questions or need guidance, book your introductory consultation!