Should Your Child's Skin Be Acidic?

Maintaining the right skin pH is critical for helping with your child’s itchy, rashy skin. ⁠

On the pH scale, 7 and higher is basic (alkaline), and 7 and lower is acidic. ⁠

Skin pH is slightly acidic and that helps keep the skin barrier functioning the way it’s supposed to. ⁠

When skin pH gets disrupted, you get leaky skin, and dry, itchy rashes. ⁠

Even an increased colonization of problematic skin bacteria, like Staph aureus!⁠

Avoid making your child’s skin alkaline! Things that contribute to that are: ⁠
👉🏻Hard water⁠
👉🏻Many if not most soaps, cleansers, and moisturizers (even natural products)⁠
👉🏻Over use of baking soda baths⁠

Other factors that play a role in skin pH:⁠
👉🏻Lighter skin is slightly more alkaline than darker skin⁠
👉🏻Skin pH differs from body part to body part (i.e. armpits and private regions have higher pHs, which can be why those areas are more problematic in some kids)⁠

There are sooo many other factors, too.⁠

To learn more, and get strategies to help your child’s skin heal from the outside in, get my Free Guide “Ditch the Itch!”⁠