Foods that help heal leaky gut

If you’re trying to heal your kid’s gut, a great place to start is with gut-healing foods. 

Here are some to add to your kiddo’s diet if they’re not in already:

Protein (chicken, beef, fish, beans, dairy, nuts, seeds, soy) - amino acids from protein are building blocks for all structures in the body down to the cellular level, including cells in the gut lining, improve the integrity of the gut barrier, and important for mucin synthesis

FODMAPs (garlic, onions, cauliflower, celery, cassava, beans) - increase stool volume improve calcium absorption, increase production of short-chain fatty acids, and of good flora like bifidobacterium and others

Probiotic foods (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, fermented veggies) - anti-inflammatory, strengthen the gut mucosal barrier, lower hyperpermeability, and produce short-chain fatty acids

Vitamins A and D (orange and red veggies and fruits, cod liver oil, egg yolk, mushrooms) - positively impact mucosal barrier integrity, the immune system, and gut flora 

Fiber and short-chain fatty acids (starchy and nonstarchy veggies, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, butter, and ghee) - anti-inflammatory and regulate intestinal barrier function

Polyphenols (rainbow assortment of veggies and fruit) - antioxidant, lower intestinal permeability, and oxidative stress, and increase mucus secretion

What gut-healing foods are in your kid’s diet? LMK!

PMID: 36677677