
Stress Management and Mindfulness: Tips To Manage Your Child’s Stress, and Yours

Photo credit: Victor Garcia

Photo credit: Victor Garcia

Chronic stress is inflammatory. It doesn’t matter whether it’s physical, chemical, or emotional. The reactions triggered in your child’s body are the same.

  • Physical stress includes restricted diets, over-exercise, physical trauma, and health problems you may be experiencing.

  • Chemical stress includes prescription medications, environmental pollutants, pesticides, and processed foods.

  • Emotional stress includes personal, financial, and work-related concerns.

Stress is a complex phenomenon, and everyone has their tolerance for it. Like the abovementioned examples, various factors can trigger your child’s stress response. When they are exposed to ongoing stress it becomes chronic.

Your child’s body responds to stress by initiating a series of reactions that affect behavior, nervous system function, and the secretion of hormones and causes other physical and chemical changes.

Because your child’s body doesn’t discriminate between different kinds of stress, even chronic psychological stress is associated with the body losing its ability to regulate inflammatory responses.

Stress also burns through nutrients and steals them from the body's other needs, meaning chronic stress can lead to nutrient insufficiency and deficiency over time (it’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul).

Nutrients your child’s body needs to respond to stress include complex carbohydrates, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium, iron, and antioxidant nutrients. These nutrients play MANY roles in your child’s body in addition to helping them cope with stress, so make sure to include foods rich in these nutrients in their diet.

Stress also adversely affects the gut, leading to leaky gut and imbalanced gut flora. Hence, addressing gut health is crucial too.

You can help your child manage stress by:

  1. Not over-scheduling activities. Kids nowadays don’t get much downtime between school, homework, and extracurricular activities. That downtime is important!

  2. Making time for play and incorporating physical activity along with it. Think of going for a family walk after dinner, biking, hiking, playing catch, etc.

  3. Emphasizing the importance of sleep, and make sure your child isn’t so over-scheduled that it cuts into getting enough rest.

  4. Teaching your child to listen to their body and how to differentiate between normal or expected stress, like taking an exam, versus waking up regularly with stomach aches or headaches, which are signs there’s more going on.

  5. Managing your stress. Remember, your child can feel yours.

  6. Keeping things calm and organized in the morning can help everyone start the day on the right foot. Keep the focus on getting up, getting ready, getting nourished (super important), and getting out the door to where you need to be. Give enough time between waking and leaving so that no one feels rushed or anxious (tough one, but possible with some practice).

  7. Helping your child understand that mistakes happen to everyone and it is ok not to be perfect. No one is perfect, no one knows everything, and no one does everything right.

  8. Teach your child to be mindful and use meditation, breathing, and other relaxation techniques. Create a practice as a family.

Children may not have work, financial, or relationship concerns like adults, but they can feel your stress. Because your stress does affect your child, there are techniques to relax your mind and body that can help, including:

  1. Stop hyper-focusing on your health problems. Now. What we think we manifest.

  2. Write/journal about your stressful experiences for 10-15 minutes daily. Getting them out of your head and on paper can help. Once they are on paper, read them back to yourself. Some may not even seem realistic once you read it back. For those that are, list ways you may better cope with each of them. Develop your solutions.

  3. Keep a daily list of 3 or more things that happened each day that made it a good day. Some days this may be easy. On other days it may be simply that you got out of bed or did your laundry. Always look for the positives.

  4. Express your feelings. It’s ok to talk, cry, laugh, or express anger. Talk to friends, family, or a professional about your feelings.

  5. Do what you enjoy. Set aside some time each day to do something just for you. Your favorite hobby, exercise, volunteer work, time with animals, time in nature, arts and crafts. This is not selfish. This is feeding your soul the fuel you need to show up for those who need you.

  6. Be present. Living in the past causes depression, and living in the future leads to anxiety. Mindfulness and meditation focus your attention on the present. Anything that allows you to be present can help.

    • Whether you meditate cross-legged and chant “om” or can get into the zone during a cardio session at the gym, find your method for being present and do it regularly (most days, if not every day).

    • Be mindful. Use your senses and observe your body sensations, the sky, the grass, and the trees. Notice the colors around you, the sounds you hear, how your clothes feel on your skin, the smells around you, what your food tastes like in your mouth, and the feeling of your breath moving in and out of your body.

  7. Relax your body with exercise.

  8. Try breathing techniques, massage, tai chi, or yoga.

  9. Find a favorite online mentor. Look to Facebook or YouTube for motivational people and videos, find someone you connect with, and subscribe to their feed. A daily dose of positive, professional motivation benefits a body and mind.

  10. Put your phone away more often, and keep it on vibrate/turn the sound off. Being tied at the hip to our mobile devices creates a state of hypervigilance, which can lead to anxiety and stress.

  11. Play frequency meditation music in the background during the day, while sleeping, or anytime you need to relax and take the edge off. Do an Internet search for “frequency meditation music” to learn more! This one works for adults, and children.

Other resources for managing stress overdrive:



5 Ways To Incorporate Exercise

Photo credit: Bruno Nascimento

Photo credit: Bruno Nascimento

Jennifer Caryn Brand Nutrition addresses your health and wellness holistically. That means in addition to addressing underlying imbalances in your biochemistry that can be contributing to your health problems and working with you to create your customized optimal diet and nutrient supplementation plan, we need to look at lifestyle factors such as exercise for overall balance.

Exercise is important. It can help reduce stress, it keeps your body healthy, and it can help manage your health conditions. If you don’t currently exercise, start slow and work up to these recommendations (Table 1).

  1. YouTube has some awesome short and fun videos you can do in your own home, just search for your favorite type of exercise (yoga, pilates, stretching, tai chi, abs, etc.).

  2. Going for a walk is always an option.

  3. Look into your local YMCA or community college. Many have indoor swimming pools you can use year round.

  4. Join a local gym.

  5. Get your best friend or neighbor on board as your workout buddy and keep each other motivated, whether your exercise together or just hold each other accountable for doing it. 

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Need more assistance? Contact me today so we can craft your customized lifestyle plan.

How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays

Photo credit: Julia Gomelsky

Photo credit: Julia Gomelsky

Are you nervous about the holidays and your diet?

I get asked often to provide tips on how to stay on track during the holidays.

Of course, we can:

  • Not show up at holiday parties starving by having a healthy snack beforehand

  • Fill up at the veggie tray at the party, and eat your vegetables first

  • Chew thoroughly and eat slowly

  • If drinking alcohol, alternate with water (stay hydrated!)

  • Pay attention to your satiety (fullness) cues and stop before you are uncomfortably full

  • Go for a walk after dinner with friends/family

  • Enjoy your favorite treats in moderation

This is not news, right? We know what we are supposed to do.

My tip to you for the holidays is this:

Holiday time is wrought with stress and anxiety, and worrying about losing control around food only increases that stress and anxiety. This is no fun, and bad for your health. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that indulging may actually be the healthier option.

During the holidays we take the opportunity to spend more time connecting with loved ones, and often it’s around food. Give yourself permission to enjoy the experience! If you want to indulge, indulge.

If anyone asks, tell them your nutritionist said it was ok (your nutritionist also says to remember to take into account your health conditions and known diet related needs).

Once things don’t feel forbidden, there’s no guilt, and you become more in tune with your body’s hunger and fullness cues (and naturally less likely to way overdo it).

Hear it straight from me!

Happy holidays!
Your partner in health,
Jennifer, MPH, MS, CNS
Functional and Clinical Nutritionist